MRI system of National Brain Mapping Laboratory (NBML) Was Installed in the First half of July 2016
MRI system of National Brain Mapping Laboratory (NBML) Was Installed in the First half of July 2016
Specifications :
- 50cm FOV, with the industry best homogeneity
- Whole-body, superconductive Zero Helium Boil-Off 3T magnet
- XR 80/200 gradient engine generates
- Head/Neck 20 DirectConnect
- Spine 32 DirectConnect
- 4Body 18, Flex Large/Small
- syngo MR software
- State of the art host computer
- Tim Table #P
- Flow Quantification
- Argus Flow
- Neuro Perfusion Package #T+D
- Diffusion Tensor Imaging #P
- Inline BOLD Imaging #TimInline technology
- Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL)
- SWI #Tim (Susceptibility Weighted Imaging)
- fMRI Trigger Converter
- Single Voxel Spectroscopy #Tim
- 2D Chemical Shift Imaging #Tim
- 3D Chemical Shift Imaging #Tim
- Spectroscopy Evaluation syngo
- Head/Neck 64 #P,Sk
- Patient Supervision TV #T+D
- 31p 1H volume head coil
- 13C – 1H volume head coil
- 1H phased array for rat brain
- A nimal Holder for rats
- Tx/Rx CP Head Coil #Sk

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