Introductory proficiency workshop on theoretical and practical principles of MRI and fMRI as well as the data acquisition principles of fMRI, August 2018
This workshop was held with the aim of teaching theoretical and practical fundamentals in the field of functional magnetic resonance imaging and skill creation on August 28-29, 2018.
This workshop was held with the aim of teaching theoretical and practical fundamentals in the field of functional magnetic resonance imaging and skill creation on August 28-29, 2018. Participant including students and researchers of brain mapping-related fields got familiar theoretically with the following topics:
- Fundamentals of MRI physics
- How to create an MR image
- Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
- Physiology and origin of the BOLD signal
- Types of fMRI data acquisition and associated pulse sequences
- A review on the methods of functional data preprocessing and GLM modeling in functional data process
After finishing the theoretical section and gaining at least the 75 percent of test score, participants mastered the following skills practically:
- Familiarity with the necessary hardware for imaging (coils, machines, etc)
- How to adjust the imaging parameters of MRI machine
- Design a functional test session
- Adjustment of imaging parameters for functional data acquisition and acquisition of a task-centered data sample
This workshop was taught by Dr. Vahid Malekian, the student at Amir Kabir University of Technology and researcher at the Donders Research Institute in the Netherlands, along with Ms. Shaghayegh Karimi, MSc of Medical Physics and an expert on the NBML’s MRI section.
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