The Possibility of Recording Sleep EEG Data Simultaneously with EMG and EOG in National Brain Mapping Laboratory (NBML)
Having commissioned Sleep EEG data recording simultaneously with EMG and EOG, the National Brain Mapping Laboratory exploited its new equipment in the EEG signal recording section. Installing and exploiting new equipment introduces new services of sleep EEG data recording simultaneously with EMG and EOG.
Having commissioned Sleep EEG data recording simultaneously with EMG and EOG, the National Brain Mapping Laboratory exploited its new equipment in the EEG signal recording section. Installing and exploiting new equipment introduces new services of sleep EEG data recording simultaneously with EMG and EOG.
The new laboratory system with complete setup, special and various sensors and electrodes provides simultaneous recording of multi-channel EEG, Chain EMG and multi-channel EOG. Recording biological activities such as heart beating, breathing, temperature as well as muscle activity simultaneously is possible in this service.
Other features of the test include the possibility of long time recording and the possibility of recording at any hour of the day and night by professional experts.
Overnight sleep advances to REM and NREM cycles. In humans, such cycles last 90 to 120 minutes approximately, and each phase may have a distinct physiological function. In the REM phase, EEG is described with low voltage and frequency mixer which is similar to wake EEG apparently. The NREM phase includes four phases; Stages 1 and 2 are considered light sleep while stages 3 and 4 are considered deep sleep. These steps are distinguished only by the EEG signal.
EEG is the most commonly used method for detecting REM / NREM stages, and monitoring physiological parameters such as ECG, EMG, EOG, respiration rate or heart beat also help to achieve it.
For more information about this service, please call +982186093109, extension 130.

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