The ‘TMS’ workshop, was held in national brain mapping lab on 16 November 2017
The ‘TMS’ workshop, was held in national brain mapping lab on 16 November 2017, with more than 20 participant of the fields: medical physics, medical engineering, cognitive sciences, etc.
The ‘TMS’ workshop, was held in national brain mapping lab on 16 November 2017, with more than 20 participant of the fields: medical physics, medical engineering, cognitive sciences, etc.
- Dr. Reza Rostami (Tehran University)
- Dr. Reza Kazemi (Research Vice-President of the Atieh Derakhshane Zehn Group)
- Introduction to TMS (history and mechanism)
- Basics on TMS (techniques, parameters, equipments and safety)
- Clinical application of TMS (dipole depression, schizophrenia, addiction, ...)
- Practical section (how to implement the international system 10-20 and determine motion threshold)
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