Researchers developed CognoSpeak, an innovative AI tool that aims to streamline the diagnosis of dementia and Alzheimer’s.
Utilizing virtual agents to engage patients in cognitive tests and analyzing their language and speech patterns, the tool provides a quick and efficient assessment. CognoSpeak is accessible via web browser, allowing patients to take the test at home.
Initial trials have shown the tool to be 90% accurate in distinguishing Alzheimer’s patients from cognitively healthy individuals.
- CognoSpeak uses AI and speech technology to assess the early signs of dementia and Alzheimer’s, with an accuracy rate of 90% in early trials.
- The tool can be accessed via a web browser, enabling patients to take the test from home.
- With a £1.4 million grant from the NIHR, CognoSpeak is being tested more extensively across UK memory clinics with a target of 700 participants.
A new AI tool that could help doctors assess the early signs of dementia and Alzheimer’s more quickly and efficiently, has been developed by researchers at the University of Sheffield.
The system, known as CognoSpeak, uses a virtual agent displayed on a screen to engage a patient in a conversation. It asks memory-probing questions inspired by those used in outpatient consultations and conducts cognitive tests, such as picture descriptions and verbal fluency tests.
The tool then uses artificial intelligence and speech technology to analyse language and speech patterns to look for signs of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and other memory disorders.
Researchers behind the technology say CognoSpeak could play a key role in reducing the burden on dementia assessment services, once further testing in GP and secondary care memory clinics across the UK is complete.
“The CognoSpeak system could transform how dementia and other memory disorders are diagnosed by speeding up assessments. This would also free-up clinicians’ valuable time and mean that those who need specialist care get access to it as quickly as possible.”
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