The First Brain Mapping Skills Training Seminar in NBML
The first free Brain Mapping Three-Day Skills Training Seminar was held in NBML on 24-26 May 2017.
The first free Brain Mapping Three-Day Skills Training Seminar was held in NBML on 24-26 May 2017. In this seminar, there were about 40 assistant professors and PhD graduates in Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering, medicine, linguistics, math, Physics, and etc. from Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Kerman, Mashhad, Bojnurd, Tabriz, and etc. Theory courses were taught by dr. Rostami, dr. Kazemi, dr. Mika’ili, dr. Hosein-Zade, dr. Oghabian, dr. Hemati, dr. Abasian, and …; and practical courses were taught by laboratory experts.
The objective of this seminar was to familiarize interested researchers with research in cognitive science and brain mapping and also laboratory services in this field.
Holding such seminars will continue in the future.
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