Development of Neuroimaging Symposium and Advanced fMRI Data Analysis Workshop
The symposium of development of brain's functional and structural image analysis; clinical and research applications, along with Advanced fMRI Data Analysis Workshop will be held on...
Development of Neuroimaging Symposium and Advanced fMRI Data Analysis Workshop
The symposium of development of brain's functional and structural image analysis; clinical and research applications, along with Advanced fMRI Data Analysis Workshop will be held on April 17-19, 2019, by Shiraz University with the support of National Brain Mapping Lab.
In this symposium, there will be several speeches by researchers from different disciplines such as statistics, electrical engineering, neuroscience, cognitive science, radiology, and medical physics. Introduction to new applications and analytical methods of this approach are the main goal of this symposium.
The goal is to introduce the tools that will help the students in obtaining a suitable course and the importance of combining different disciplines to develop brain imaging and cognitive science in their variety of applications.
By attending this symposium, the student of statistics, math, biology, computer science, and electrical engineering can obtain the followings:
Introduction to different tools for analyzing brain images, and their importance in analysis, prediction, and decision making in different disorders
Introduction to necessary skills and planning to learn and use them
Enhancing the motivations and potentials of the students to gain a better perspective of their future job
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