Practical workshop on artificial intelligence in neuroradiology via MATLAB
As a side event of the first National Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging (AMIN2019), workshops on the related topics were also...
As a side event of the first National Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging (AMIN2019), workshops on the related topics were also held, one of which was the practical workshop on the artificial intelligence in neuroradiology using MATLAB held on November 2, 2019. The subjects were as follows:
- Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging: An Overview (Dr. Ebrahimpour)
- Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging: Clinical Perspective (Dr. Fatehi)
- A Gentle Introduction to Deep Learning in Medical Image Processing (Dr. Ebrahimpour)
- How to Handle the Design Challenges in Deep Learning within Matlab Environment? (Yazdinejad)
- Practical Exercise for Problem Solving in Neuroimaging AI: Imaging Biomarkers of
- Dementia (Zahedi)
- How to Handle the Testing Phase & Improvement Challenges in Deep Learning within Matlab Environment? (Dr. Ebrahimpour & Yazdinejad)
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