The ‘QEEG and ERP Introductory International’ workshop, was held in national brain mapping lab on 28 to 30 November 2017
The QEEG and ERP Introductory International workshop with cooperation of Atieh Derakhshan Zehn , was held in national brain mapping lab on 28 to 30 November 2017
The ‘QEEG and ERP Introductory International’ workshop, was held in national brain mapping lab on 28 to 30 November 2017
The QEEG and ERP Introductory International workshop with cooperation of Atieh Derakhshan Zehn , was held in national brain mapping lab on 28 to 30 November 2017, with more than 30 participant of the fields: Psychiatry, Cognitive Sciences and Clinical Neuroscience, medical physics, medical engineering, etc.
Dr. Reza Rostami (Psychiatrist, Associate Professor University of Tehran)
Prof. Juri Kropotpv (Professor of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
- Neural basics of brain rhythm creation
- Methods of EEG recording and montaging
- Artefacts correction
- Specification of abnormal EEG patterns; visually or automatically
- Brain mapping
- QEEG biomarkers in healthy people and people with brain disorders
- Recording of action potentials
- Relationship between ERP components and brain systems function
- Diagnosis of brain disorders with help of ERP biomarkers
- Introduction to neurotherapy methods
- Reports providing and analyzing
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