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Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, an Option for Cancer Treatment?!

A group of US-based researchers came together to publish a review of a technology known as ‘Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation’ (TMS), hoping to find out whether this may be a safe treatment tool for the brain cancer community.

A group of US-based researchers came together to publish a review of a technology known as ‘Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation’ (TMS), hoping to find out whether this may be a safe treatment tool for the brain cancer community.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is a neuromodulation technology that can stimulate and inhibit processes in areas of the brain. TMS therefore has the potential to lessen the effects of diseases by controlling or manipulating how cells develop and grow in the brain. Results from previous studies have established that repetitive TMS would be a safe treatment option for our community. TMS produced limited adverse effects and no seizures were documented. Studies have also found TMS to have positive results when treating motor or language deficits.

However, studies to date, have mainly focused on how to benefit stroke patients through neurorehabilitation. There is currently little data to inform us on how repetitive TMS may benefit those with brain cancer.

More trials and studies are to be carried out, but repetitive TMS is now an option that researchers may consider for future brain tumor research due to the generally positive results of these prior studies.




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