The theoretical-practical workshop on the image processing of the diffusion tensor imaging- the ISBM 23rd side event
NBML held a theoretical-practical workshop on the DTI processing as a sequel to the ISBM side events on October 17, 2018.
NBML held a theoretical-practical workshop on the DTI processing as a sequel to the ISBM side events on October 17, 2018. This workshop had the capacity of 6 persons. The theoretical section taught by Dr. Farzaneh Keyvan Fard included diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), diffusion tensor imaging and the introduction to tractography. The practical section included the introduction to DTI images, how to input data to software and DTI image preprocessing and processing was taught by Mohammad Reza khodaei
It was provided a 50 percent discount for ISBM participants.

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