The promotion unit of the multimedia workgroup of NBML held their first meeting
The promotion unit of the multimedia workgroup of NBML held their first meeting on December 8, 2018, at NBML site.
The promotion unit of the multimedia workgroup of NBML held their first meeting on December 8, 2018, at NBML site. This unit consists of Mohsen Dadjou, the manager of the National Brain Mapping's Student Branch (NBMS), Mahta Vajedi Mojarad, public relations manager of NBMS, Neda Mahmoudi, responsible for news content of website and electronic newsletter, Mahak Osouli Alamdary , responsible for social networks and Wikipedia, and Padideh Yazdan, responsible for the media contents of the student branch.
The main objective of this meeting was the collaboration of the student branch in the production of content and multimedia. The members created the timetable and divided the responsibilities, and evaluated the communication methods between the multimedia team and interested students who want to collaborate with NBMS.
Students interested in collaboration to provide the multimedia contents of the National Brain Mapping Lab ( such as compilation and translation of related articles, providing news from the latest national achievements in this area, providing photos and clips from the related scientific events, and etc.) can contact the student Branch and hand out their collaboration request.
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