The head of colleges of engineering campus of Tehran University, accompanied by associate deans in graduate studies and research of various colleges visit NBML, July 2018
Dr. Naser Soltani, the head of the colleges of engineering campus of Tehran University, accompanied by a board of associate deans in graduate studies and research and several professors from various colleges visited NBML on Monday, July 2, 2018.
Dr. Naser Soltani, the head of the colleges of engineering campus of Tehran University, accompanied by a board of associate deans in graduate studies and research and several professors from various colleges visited NBML on Monday, July 2, 2018. A meeting was also held in the presence of Dr. Ay, the head of NBML, Dr. Hossein-Zadeh, science and technology deputy of NBML and Dr. Ghadiri, the administrative and financial deputy of NBML. The main focus of the meeting was to introduce the lab with more details to the visitors.
Below you may find the visitor’s complete list:
- Dr. Soltani (head of the colleges of engineering campus)
- Dr. Hanafizadeh (associate dean in graduate studies and research of colleges of engineering campus)
- Dr. Abrinya (dean of mechanical engineering faculty)
- Dr. Arabi (associate dean in graduate studies and research of faculty of electrical and computer engineering)
- Dr. Amiri (associate dean in graduate studies and research of faculty of engineering sciences)
- Dr. Rostami (director of affairs of fundamental researches)
- Dr. Riyasi (associate dean in graduate studies and research of mechanical engineering faculty)
- Dr. Sa’adat Seresht (associate dean in graduate studies and research of Surveying and Geospatial engineering faculty)
- Dr. Sheybani (associate dean in graduate studies and research of faculty of metallurgy and material engineering)
- Dr. fatoorehchi (associate dean in graduate studies and research of faculty of chemistry engineering)
- Dr. Gharebaghi (associate dean in graduate studies and research of faculty of mining engineering)
- Dr. Moshiri (faculty member of electrical and computer engineering faculty)
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