The first and second day of the International IBRO School at NBML
The first and second day of the International IBRO School of Cognitive Neuroscience -based on Brain mapping at NBML , was held on 26 and 27 September.
The first and second day of the International IBRO School of Cognitive Neuroscience -based on Brain mapping at NBML , was held on 26 and 27 September.
These two days were devoted two issues of TMS and EEG and the instructors are as follows:
TMS workshop: professor Neil G.Muggleton ( National Centeral University, Taiwan), instructor; and True collaboration with Ms. Sadeghbeigi , Ms. Naseri and Mr. Kasaai.
EEG workshop: professor Fabien Lotte ( Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, France ), instructor ; and True collaboration with Dr. khosrowabadi , Dr. Mokhtari and Ms. Purabbasi.
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