Holding the second workshop on the fundamentals of vital signal processing with Matlab software with the main focus on the computational neurosciences, July 2018
After reception of holding the first workshop on the fundamentals of vital signal processing with Matlab software on March 2018 and regarding existing demand, the second course of this workshop taught by Dr.
After reception of holding the first workshop on the fundamentals of vital signal processing with Matlab software on March 2018 and regarding existing demand, the second course of this workshop taught by Dr. Ali Moti-Nasrabadi (the professor at Shahed University), Mohammad Javad Darvishi (the signal processing lab expert at NBML) and Mostafa Rouzbahani (the expert at bioengineering), was held at NBML on 12th and 13th July, 2018. Thirty participants from various filed of psychiatry, cognitive neurosciences, neurologists, medical physics, bioengineering and other interested people from related fields attended in this workshop.
List of workshop topics:
- Introduction of the methods of analysis and interpretation of data to the specialists in the fields of psychiatry and their practicing with Matlab environment and data analysis.
- Introduction on how to process and analyze the brain data with Matlab software and make preparation for the other Matlab toolboxes
- Practical analysis of signal using time, frequency and time-frequency methods with applications in computational psychology.
- Practical analysis of event-dependent potentials
- Practicing with classifications(Elementary
- Practicing principal component analysis

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