Holding the International workshop on qEEG/ERP (How to interpret the brain map and its implication in determining the treatment protocols)
One of the tools psychologists and psychiatrists use to diagnose psychiatric disorders is quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG) or brain map.
One of the tools psychologists and psychiatrists use to diagnose psychiatric disorders is quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG) or brain map. If we detect a disorder, we can use this tool to investigate brain abnormalities caused by this disorder. A brain map can also provide treatment protocols, for treatments that work on the brain, such as neurofeedback, and provide valuable Information for monitoring the treatment as well.
The National Brain Mapping Lab (NBML) in cooperation with Atieh Clinical Neuroscience Center held a 3-day workshop on How to interpret the brain map and its implication in determining the treatment protocols on November 14th to 16th 2018, at the NBML site. Dr. Reza Rostami, Dr. Andreas Muller, and Dr. Fatemeh Gholamalinejad Instructed at this workshop and it had 60 attendees. Instructed topics are as follows:
First day:
- Basics of spontaneous EEG
- Reading raw EEG
- How to detect noises $ artifacts Spontaneous
- Basics of Event-Related Potentials (ERP)
Second day:
- Review of EEG rhythms
- Review of ERP components & related brain systems
- Healthy brain
- Neuromarkers of ADHD, Depression, Bipolar, OCD, Social Anxiety, PTSD & Schizophrenia
Third day
- Neuromarkers of Learning Disorders, Intellectual Disability, Neurocognitive Disorders & Autism
- Introduction: Brain Modulation Technologies
- Treatment Protocols
- Medication

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