Holding the 9th record, analysis and process of EEG signals, June 2018
The 9th series of record, analysis and process EEG signals was held from June 6th to 8th, 2018 in NBML,
The 9th series of record, analysis and process EEG signals was held from June 6th to 8th, 2018 in NBML, taught by Dr. Mohammad Michaeli and Dr. Ali Nasrabadi with the attendance of participants from cognitive neurosciences, psychology, psychiatry and neurology.
This workshop was held with the aim of introducing methods of analyzing and interpreting of information obtained from brain signals and brain signals application in diagnosis and tracking the treatment process of psychiatric disorders and to psychiatrics and introducing the applications of various methods of analyzing brain signals in the field of brain mapping and technique of processing and analyzing brain signal in EEGLAB, ERPLAB, ICALAB and other software EEGLAB-related environments to researchers of psychiatry and psychology.

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