Third two-day workshop on the fundamentals of bio-signals processing via MATLAB centered on computational neuroscience
NBML conducted the two-day workshop on the fundamentals of the bio-signals on 5th-6th February 2020.
NBML conducted the two-day workshop on the fundamentals of the bio-signals on 5th-6th February 2020. Its main focus was the computational neuroscience which was taught by Dr. Ali Motie Nasr-Abadi (the Professor at Shahed University), Tahereh Ta’alei (MSc in Medical Physics), and Mahdieh Shams (MSc in Medical Physics). The following topics were presented to audiences in the fields of cognitive neuroscience, psychology, psychiatry, and bioengineering:
- Information analysis and interpretation methods in MATLAB
- Practical training in programming environment of MATLAB and data analysis
- An introduction to the process and analysis of brain data and preparation for other MATLAB-based toolkits
- Practical signal analysis using temporal, frequency, and temporal-frequency methods applied in computational psychology
- Practical analysis of event-related potentials
- Practical training in classification (introductory)
- Practical training in principal component analysis (PCA)

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