The three-day workshop on MRI and fMRI data analysis via Freesurfer software, August 2019
The three-day workshop on MRI and fMRI data analysis via Freesurfer was held on 17-19 August 2019 at NBML.
The three-day workshop on MRI and fMRI data analysis via Freesurfer was held on 17-19 August 2019 at NBML. The workshop was taught by Dr. Reza Raji Mohreh, Dr. Elahe Yargholi, Hossein Rafipour, and Neda Afzalian. The titles were as follows:
- Introduction to the workshop
- A brief tutorial on Linux
- Structural MRI analysis and cortical surface reconstruction in Freesurfer
- Visualization of anatomical volumes and surfaces in Freesurfer
- Making flat patches and creating labels
- Basics of fMRI analysis
- Preprocessing of fMRI data in FsFast
- Functional-anatomical registration
- Single-subject analysis of fMRI data in FsFast
- Visualization of functional maps
- Group-level analysis of fMRI data in FsFast
- Region-of-interest analysis
- Transfer of structural and functional data between Freesurfer and Matlab
- Functional connectivity analysis
- Conclusion of the workshop

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