Devices and equipment utilization in the neuro-optic field at the Laser and Plasma Research Institute of Shahid Beheshti University
Utilization of four advanced devices and equipment of brain optical imaging and optogenetics made by ...
Utilization of four advanced devices and equipment of brain optical imaging and optogenetics made by researchers and specialists from Pishran Neuro-optics group, sponsored by the Cognitive Sciences and Technologies Council, was run at the Laser and Plasma Institute of Shahid Beheshti University.
Researchers from Pishran Neuro-optics group succeeded, with the support of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies Council, in designing and constructing the advanced optical brain imaging devices by intrinsic signals, optical brain imaging by pigments voltage-sensitive, optical imaging by laser speckles and optogenetics to apply in the field of cognitive neurosciences in the country.
Specialists are able to perform brain imaging in various ways by taking advantages of these devices and pieces of equipment designed and constructed by Pishran Neuro-optics group.
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