Eye Tracking Workshop and its Applications in Brain Mapping
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About this Course National Brain Mapping Laboratory (NBML) in cooperation with Daj Scientific Group will hold the following workshop:
Eye Tracking Workshop and its Applications in Brain Mapping
Dr. Anahita KHORRAMI, Physician and Neurologist of Brain and Cognition Clinic
Mr. Asghar RANJBAR (Eng.), Member of Daj Scientific Group
- Introduction to the structure of eye
- Introduction to eye tracking and its performance
- Principles of eye tracking and cognitive science studies
- Introduction to eye tracking and neuromarketing studies
- Introduction to cognitive linguistic and eye tracking studies
- Eye tracking and clinical trails and studies
- Research design, registration and analysis of data (practical part)
Thursday, December 03, 2020 (09:00 to 14: 00)
-The link for joining to webinar will be sent via email
-1 hour free services will be awarded for 2 people who give the right answer to given questions at the end of the webinar by NBML.
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