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Course: Conceptual Cognitive Modeling

Course Information

Time October 2024
Place NBML/Online
Remaining Capacity 40
Event Code workshop-140310

National Brain Mapping Laboratory (NBML):

Conceptual Cognitive Modeling

Course Overview

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to conceptual cognitive modeling. It will equip students with the knowledge and skills to develop cognitive models from conceptualization to implementation. The course emphasizes a hands-on approach, strongly focusing on applying the learned methodologies to real-world problems.


Instructor: Iman Ghodratitoostani Adjunct Scholar, Tehran University of Medical Sciences Senior Researcher, Neurocognitive Engineering Laboratory, University of Sao Paulo


Course Duration: 5 sessions (10 hours)


Pre-requisite: Knowledge of Brain Anatomy, physiology, and cognitive systems may improve learning.


:Course Structure

Session 1: Introduction to Modeling (2 hours) 

● Model vs. Natural Phenomena (1 hour):

○ Define models and their role in understanding complex systems.

○ Discuss the relationship between models and the real world.

○ Explore different types of models (mathematical, computational, conceptual).


● Cognitive Modeling (1 hour):

○ Introduction to cognitive modeling and its applications.

○ Overview of cognitive architectures and their components.

○ Discuss the role of cognitive modeling in understanding human behavior and cognition.


Session 2: Six-Step Methodology I (2 hours) ● 

● Steps 1-3 of the Six-Step Methodology:

○ Define main theories, processes, and compartments.

○ Define ad-hoc compartments and processes.

○ Parameter estimation techniques.


● Case Study: Neurofunctional and Cognitive Conceptual Model of Tinnitus:

○ Review the model as an example of the methodology.

○ Discuss the theoretical underpinnings and model structure.


Session 3: Six-Step Methodology II (2 hours) ●

● Steps 4-6 of the Six-Step Methodology:

○ Fit the model with empirical results.

○ Design studies to test hypotheses and theories.

○ Model reformulation, pruning, and correction.


● Case Study: Neurofunctional and Cognitive Conceptual Model of Tinnitus (continued):

○ Review the model's validation and refinement processes.

○ Discuss the implications of the model for understanding tinnitus.


Sessions 4 & 5: Hands-on Model Design (4 hours)

● Group-based model development:

○ Students form groups and select a cognitive phenomenon to model.

○ Apply the six-step methodology to develop their models.

○ Provide guidance and support throughout the process.

○ Encourage critical thinking and problem-solving.

○ Final presentations of the developed models.

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