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tDCS Services

  • Stimulation up to 8 channel:
    • Anodal stimulation
    • Cathodal stimulation
    • Sham
    • Double Blind
  • Ability to apply electrical stimulation during simultaneous recording of task-fMRI, rest-fMRI and MRS data
  • Concurrent tES/fMRI
  • Concurrent tES/EEG
  • Concurrent tES/fNIRS

Simultaneous recording of tES-fMRI

Many neurological and psychological disorders are caused by improper functioning of brain areas or networks, among which schizophrenia, autism, stroke or brain damage can be mentioned. One of the methods to treat this group of people is the use of electrical stimulation. Electrical stimulation, in the form of tDCS, tACS or tRNS stimulation, can affect neuronal activity between brain regions. Simultaneous recording of MRI with tES provides the condition to use fMRI or MRS images to understand how stimulation parameters can affect the function of brain regions or networks instantaneously.

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