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TMS/TES Tariffs

Cost (Rials) Unit Type of Service Row
3910000 Case Determining the functional position of the cortex and subcortex by stimulation or recording of brain surface electrodes or deep electrodes to induce seizures or to identify vital brain structures 1
1300000 Hour AC or DC Electrical Brain Stimulation (tDCS or tACS) 2
1690000 Hour Neurofeedback 3
3910000 Hour Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) 4
7810000 Hour Transcranial Magnetic/ Electrical Stimulation Using Navigation System 5
Costs Consumables Transcranial Magnetic/ Electrical Stimulation section (TMS/TES)
According to the Market Tariffs Number MEP Electrode 6
  • The tariff for the setup and preparing the sample is 30% of the tariff for performing the tests.
  • The tariff for conducting tests in the second shift is negotiable.

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